The transition to sustainable cities needs a radical change in culture. The Ark of the Newest Covenant is a traveling source of inspiration, meant to bring such change.
In the Ark reside the Symbolic City and the Ten Sustainable Commandments. The upcoming forty years, the Ark will travel from city to city. In each city, inhabitants will interpret the Ten Sustainable Commandments. By doing so, they will add their local knowledge and wisdom to the Commandments and conceive new sustainable concepts.
In this way, the Ten Sustainable Commandments will cause a chain reaction of cities, together in the same Journey, creating a web of locally founded, sustainable cultures.
1 — See language as a tool to change reality.
2 — Break the old covenants.
3 — Reject infinity.
4 — Fire is a gift of the sun, do not imitate it.
5 — Remember, you once were an owl.
6 — See death as a source of life.
7 — Do not create future, reorganize past.
8 — Kill only in full consciousness.
9 — Species are wealth, honour them.
10 — Create your own covenant.
Is your city interested in receving the Ark? Download the Rules of the Journey here.
Walter Breukers
Jaap Godrie
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